ESTJ - The Director

ESTJ is an MBTI personality type that defines people with a clear preference for the extroverted, sensitive, thinking, and judging traits.

These individuals have a personality that epitomizes what being a boss is. They take control over any situation and get things done. ESTJs are often referred to as Directors because they define a course of action and direct others on what path to pursue, and as Executives, because they either get things done themselves or get others to do it.

They are leaders through and through and thrive in environments where they have the power to manage people and resources to accomplish any task.

The ESTJ personality

ESTJs are no-nonsense people. They like facts and details and have little patience for theories and suppositions. Their decision-making is always based on logic (T) and they struggle with flexibility and spontaneity. To them, planning and organization are key to success in whichever endeavor.

Directors also have a clear preference for structure and order. They are law-abiding and traditional. To them, social interactions should also follow an established structure. They like and support hierarchies. ESTJs always look for and trust the person in charge, while expecting respect from those with a lower ranking than them. Where there is no clear social structure in place, they have no qualms about creating one.

They like to take over the reins and manage people and projects. They set goals, make decisions, and organize the resources to accomplish the task. ESTJs like to get things done and “work before play” is their motto. They are task-oriented at all times and place great emphasis on organization and systematization.

Their social interactions are always structured and per tradition. They can be particularly critical and harsh to anyone who fails to live up to their standards.

People with this personality type enjoy leading others and tend to volunteer at institutions such as clubs or churches where they can take up a leadership role.

The strengths

Strong leadership skills

ESTJs are natural-born leaders. They know how to create order where there is none, set goals, and manage people and resources to get things done. 

They are extremely organized and use their analytical skills to plan everything to the smallest detail, to avoid having their strategy derailed.

As extroverts, they also enjoy interacting with people and persuading them to do what needs to be done by using facts and straightforward logic that cannot be questioned.

High self-esteem

People with this MBTI personality type are extremely confident in their leadership skills. They know they are good at what they do and have very high self-esteem.

This confidence can also be perceived by others, which makes them see ESTJs as reliable and trustworthy leaders. People are willing to follow Directors because they feel so reassured that they become confident in the accomplishment of the task themselves.

Hard worker

ESTJs are hands-on leaders. They will lead the group by joining in the efforts to fulfill the job. They will direct the team by defining a structure and course of action but they will also execute the job either by setting themselves a task or by actively managing the project at each step.

As fans of the Judging trait, Directors enjoy closures. They will give their best and always work hard to finish any project or task they set themselves to, even if it means compromising their well-being or personal lives. 

Order and practicality

ESTJs excel at organization and creating an order. Not only do they enjoy having clear structures and established plans, but they also have a practical mindset that allows them to find the right placement for everything and maintain that order.

They are so good at organizing projects and managing resources and people because they are also very realistic. Their analytical minds help them perceive the advantages and shortcomings of any situation and they create an order that balances both to achieve optimal results.

The weaknesses


Due to their confidence in themselves and their organizational skills, ESTJs struggle to accept any type of criticism, even if positive, as well as new ideas or suggestions to make things differently. 

They believe they are the best at what they do and it follows that their plans must also be the best. No room for discussion. Trying to change the methodology or the established order would disturb their organization, one of their most valuable assets.

ESTJs also place great emphasis on hierarchy and stick by it at all times. They might accept a suggestion from someone they see as of a higher ranking, but to have someone they perceive as lower than them questioning their ways is simply impossible.


Emotions have no place in a structure set by a person with an ESTJ personality type. They only care about facts, rational arguments, and following their plans. 

If they spot a mistake or find that someone is not performing per their high standards, they have no qualms about calling them out. They are task-focused and if anyone is compromising their goal, they will tell it bluntly and with complete disregard for the other person’s feelings.

Likewise, they follow the motto “work first, play later” and expect everyone to do the same. Family or personal lives are not excuses to them. 


ESTJs tend to be good bosses and enjoy that leadership role, but not every situation requires a person in command. There are also individuals with different personality types who do not enjoy being bossed around and prefer to have the freedom to explore their creativity and find new ways of doing things.

Their bossy attitude spills over into the most inconsequential situations, which can lead to clashes with others and to the ostracization of ESTJs. They are simply not fun to be around outside a working environment.