ISFP - The Artist

ISFP is one of the MBTI’s 16 personality types, with the letters indicating the individual’s preference for the factors Introversion, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.

ISFPs are often referred to as Artists or Composers because they are dreamers who are very in tune with the beauty surrounding them. While the sensing preference in other MBTI personalities is linked to a tendency to prefer facts over intuition and theories, for Artists it denotes their appreciation for the way things smell, look, taste, sound, and feel.

The ISFP is the opposite of the ENTJ personality type (Extroverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging).

The ISFP Personality

ISFPs are easy-going and like to live in the moment. They prefer to enjoy the here and now rather than to think about the future. Their preference for the Perceiving factor reflects this appreciation for open-ending situations and a relaxed approach to life, instead of the more structured and organized one favored by judges.

As they prefer living in the present, they have no ambitions other than enjoying the pleasures of life. They like to spend time with their families and friends, visit beautiful natural sights, eat good food, listen to music, and cherish any other sensory delights that may come their way. 

Their easy-going attitude also applies to the way they relate with others. They are open-minded, accepting, and always ready to compromise in any situation to avoid conflict and maintain harmony. However, they are not submissive in this approach. They expect others to meet them halfway. If they feel they are the only ones making concessions, they can easily lose their temper.

Artists also have a keen artistic vein. Not only are they very in tune with the aesthetics surrounding them, but they also tend to be very gifted. They prefer to learn by doing and have no qualms about picking up tools and start creating things that appeal to their senses. For example, painters, chefs, writers, and perfumers are often Artists themselves.

ISFPs may seem overly carefree to outsiders, but they take their life and their creations very seriously and are constantly trying to learn more about the world and improve their craft.

The strengths


ISFPs are dreamers who have both feet on the ground. They may be very sensitive to the aesthetics surrounding them and have a carefree attitude, but they are still very practical and aware of their mundane circumstances.

Artists tend to be very handy with any sort of tool.  As they are very aware of their senses, they find it more effective to learn by doing something than by hearing or reading about it. This also gives them a more practical perspective on any problem. They get straight to work and try to find the most effective way to accomplish a task.

Artistic talent

People with an ISFP personality tend to be highly gifted at creating new things, particularly those with an artistic component. Not only do they have a natural sensitivity and appreciation for aesthetics, but they are often artists themselves.

Their creations stand out for the way they appeal to the 5 senses, individually or together. For example, many famous chefs have an ISFP personality that allows them to create tasty dishes, that smell good, and are visually appealing. 


ISFPs are always looking for opportunities to learn more about any subject, but they have a special interest in things that stimulate their senses. They want to taste, smell, see, hear, and touch new things that inspire them and rouses the curiosity of their five senses.

Artists prefer concrete concepts and objects to abstract and diffuse ones. This prompts them to constantly search for specific information that helps them understand the underlying meanings of what they are facing. 

Creative within the realm of facts

One of the defining traits of Artists is their artistry, i.e., their creative skills. However, their creativity is always rooted in concrete concepts.

ISFPs are practical and sensitive to the way things stimulate their senses. They always take both into consideration when creating something new. They are never abstract, even when creating abstract art. There is always a solid reason behind their creativity, and it is usually one related to the way it rouses the senses.

Good vibe 

Despite being introverts and preferring to be alone or in small groups, Artists tend to establish good relationships with everyone they meet. They simply have a good vibe to them.

ISFPs’ motto could be “Live and let live”. They have an open mind and are accepting of others, even when their values differ. As a rule, they avoid conflicts and prefer to keep good relations with everyone, even if they have to compromise in certain situations. Artists do not like others meddling with their lives or trying to control them, and they try not to do the same to others.

The weaknesses

Quiet and reserved

Individuals with an ISFP personality type put great emphasis on their preference for introversion. They draw their energy from within and tend to feel exhausted after any type of social interaction. It affects not only their creativity but also their ability to absorb information and appreciate the aesthetics of the world.

For this reason, they are very zealous of their personal space. They are often reserved and avoid sharing personal information with others. As a result, they can be perceived as being cold and detached.


In the ISFP personality, the P stands for Perceiving and the individuals with this trait prefer to keep things open-ended and value spontaneity more than structure and planning.

Artists live in the moment. They are relaxed and prefer to take in the beauty of the world day-by-day, enjoying surprises and new discoveries at every corner. 

As such, their lives are crowded with uncertainties about the future. They are unpredictable and never know what might happen or what they might be doing tomorrow.

Competitive and sensitive self-esteem

ISFPs have a very sensitive sense of self-esteem. Their artistic creations are always subject to subjective evaluations. It is difficult to quantify and qualify their work from a rational perspective. As a result, their efforts and work go often unnoticed and unappreciated, which in turn affects their self-esteem but also makes them extremely competitive. 

They believe that they have to become the best of the best for others to notice them and truly value their creations. Unfortunately, this way of thinking leads ISFPs to be perfectionists to a fault, always finding flaws in whatever they do, leaving them constantly dissatisfied and unsure of themselves.