Architects are a rare breed. Their personality type is formed by a very specific set of preferences (Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judging) that is shared only by approximately 2% of the population.
Pragmatic, analytical, and independent, the INTJs are strong-willed and ambitious. They will devote their full attention to achieving the goals they set for themselves. Unfortunately, this mindset combined with their preference for introversion does not make them the biggest fans of social interactions. They are certainly not the soul of the party and the concept of chit-chat can be as frustrating to them as to anyone who is making the effort to engage with them.
People with an INTJ personality tend to be logical and analytical both in their thinking process and in their problem-solving approach. They have a natural tendency to be creative and to look for innovative solutions and ideas that could potentially improve any system and process, be it at home, in their daily lives, or at work. For this reason, they are often nicknamed Architects, Strategists, or Masterminds.
To add to these personality traits, they also have a clear preference for efficiency. It is not only about looking for pragmatic and logical solutions - efficiency and effectiveness are also two of their most important goals.
In this sense, Architects tend to have a low tolerance for emotions as they believe they interfere with a clear and logical thinking process. To them, emotions cloud the judgment and prevent people from following the most rational and fact-founded options either because they cannot separate their logic from their emotional being or because they are afraid of hurting someone else.
This disregard for emotions often results in a certain animosity towards them, as they are perceived as arrogant and a “knows it all”. Luckily for those with an INTJ personality, the perception that others might have is not of particular importance to them. They enjoy working alone and independently, and they derive more energy from the inside than from external social interactions.
INTJs understand that the effectiveness of their problem-solving and analytical approach depends on information. The more knowledgeable they are, the more data they have to make an informed decision. Their creativity is also heavily influenced by their curiosity and they actively seek to learn more about anything and everything.
In fact, they tend to be very good at turning any situation into an opportunity to learn.
Architects are pragmatic and very rational in their approach. They prefer to base their decisions and interpretations on facts and tangible data rather than inferring possible meanings or “reading between the lines”.
This logical reasoning also applies to themselves as persons. They understand very clearly what their strengths and weaknesses are and can immediately tell if they can perform a task or not.
Being free and independent is a natural preference for individuals with an INTJ personality type as it is what allows them to explore their creativity and problem-solving hypothesis. They thrive in an environment in which they are free to choose which information to pursue, what to learn, and which thinking processes may be more suitable for each situation.
This preference for being independent and even for working alone suits INTJs because they are self-motivated. They derive a sense of joy from learning more, analyzing situations, seeking solutions, and letting their creativity run free but efficiently.
They do not need nor do they like having other people condition their reasoning and freedom to act on their own.
INTJs are also self-motivated because they are goal-oriented. Once they set themselves a target, they become determined to achieve it. Not only that but their attention is directed to doing it efficiently and successfully.
For Architects, goals and ambitions are intrinsically connected. They want to achieve their targets, but they are also perfectionists. They want to show that they managed to do it better than everyone else. However, they never lose sight of their logical reasoning. Each step taken to achieve the goal is accounted for and can be justified using logic and pragmatic arguments.
Architects are extremely versatile. They are curious, creative, and independent, traits that make them moldable and flexible, helping them to cope and adapt to any type of situation.
This is a very important feature of INTJs because it can help them overcome or mask their weaknesses, at least in the eyes of others (INTJs cannot fool themselves and are always aware of their handicaps and strengths).
Architects enjoy having plans and schedules and they are good at setting them up themselves. This helps them structure their thinking process and approach, and works as a self-motivator to achieve the desired goals.
The I in INTJ stands for introversion. This means that people with this personality type tend to draw gratification and energy from within themselves rather than from external social interactions.
On the contrary, social interactions can be draining to them because they find others unpredictable. Not only that, but Architects also tend to clash with those who let their emotions guide them.
Their analytical nature is often interpreted (sometimes correctly) as arrogance and a sense of superiority. They tend to isolate themselves and to consider as inferior someone who is not as analytical, logical, and fact-loving as them.
Despite being curious and knowledge-seekers, Architects can be close-minded and unreceptive to new ideas. They prefer to remain in their “personal bubble” where they feel superior to others rather than question their own data and information.
Logical and analytical reasoning are always the priority to INTJs, while emotions and feelings are secondary. They can be so blinded by this set of priorities that they may fail to interpret, analyze and understand certain situations and events in an emotional context.
Architects are creative, analytical, and goal-oriented. They also seek to be as efficient as possible in their approach. All of these traits make them perfect problem-solvers. However, some people with an INTJ personality type can take it a bit too far.
In the search for a more efficient and creative approach and method, they can become so obsessed with perfection that they end up becoming inefficient. Instead of finding a suitable route to progress and achieve their goals, they enter a loop of analysis, trials, and errors in the search not for a simple solution but an optimal one.
Architects are suitable for almost any career. The reason lies in their natural predisposition to be goal-oriented, enjoy planning and following specific strategies to achieve their targets more effectively.
Nevertheless, they tend to feel more fulfilled in jobs where they have a sense of purpose and where they feel needed. They also enjoy careers that challenge their intellect by presenting them with problems to which they must find the solution.
The right job for someone with an INTJ personality type will depend on other factors and preferences, as their skills and aptitudes can apply to different contexts.
For example, an INTJ has the potential to be a good chemist, software engineer, chef, and builder. As long as a career implies the analysis of data and a strategic problem-solving approach, Architects have the potential to succeed in them.